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FHNW, Institut für Geomatik Muttenz, Switzerland

(Bild: Schematische Darstellung der 3D-Detektion von Fahrzeugen mit dem Mobile Mapping System des Instituts Geomatik)   NAVIGARE 2023 Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Campus Muttenz Programm:  13:00 - 13:45 Generalversammlung ION-CH Raum 12.W.25 13:30 - 14:00 Eintreffen Cafeteria EG 14:00 - 15:15 Vorstellung

Aerospace Europe Conference 2023

Swiss Tech Convention Center Lausanne, Switzerland

The Aerospace Europe Conference 2023 is a joint event between the 10th European Conference for Aerospace Sciences (EUCASS) and the 9th conference of the Council of European Aerospace Societies (CEAS).  More information is available on the conference website.

AES-IEEE-CH Joint Lecture

ETH-Zürich Hauptgebäude D1.2, Zürich, Switzerland

Gravity-Modeling Considerations in High-Integrity Inertial Systems by Professor Michael Braasch from the Avionics Engineering Center (AEC) at Ohio University We look forward to your participation. Guests are welcome.  Please reserve some time to exchange with the lecturer and the attending colleagues

AHORN 2023

  Organisation: In Zusammenarbeit mit:         Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ortung und Navigation (DGON) Österreichischer Verein für Navigation (ÖVN) Schweizerisches Institut für Navigation (ION-CH)  

AES-IEEE-CH Joint Lecture

ETH-Zürich Hauptgebäude D1.2, Zürich, Switzerland

Extending the use of GNSS technology to cislunar space by Dr. Cyril Botteron, SpacePNT SA We look forward to your participation. Guests are welcome.  Please reserve some time to exchange with the lecturer and the attending colleagues during the aperitif. 

ION Webinar


Identifying Aerodynamics of Small Fixed-Wing Drones Using Inertial Measurements for Model-Based Navigation presented by Aman Sharma, PhD Candidate EPFL The success of drone missions is incumbent on an accurate determination of the drone pose and velocity, which are collectively estimated


Safran Vectronix AG Max-Schmidheiny-Strasse 202, Heerbrugg, Switzerland

NAVIGARE 2024 Safran Vectronix, Heerbrugg Programm:  13:00 - 13:45 General Assembly ION-CH (members only) 13:30 - 14:00 Welcome and Coffee at Safran Vectronix Reception in Heerbrugg 14:00 - 14:20 Safran Group, Vectronix and PNT Activities Max Kreis (CEO Safran Vectronix)

AHORN 2024

For details, see the event website.   Organisation: In Zusammenarbeit mit:         Österreichischer Verein für Navigation (ÖVN) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ortung und Navigation (DGON) Schweizerisches Institut für Navigation (ION-CH)  

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